the International Skeletal Society
Glossary of terms for musculoskeletal radiology
Musculoskeletal Imaging Core Courses (ISS & SSR)
1. Musculoskeletal Trauma
- Imaging Evaluation of Common upper extremity injuries - Sotirios Gyftopoulos
- Pelvis and Hip Trauma - Donna Blankenbaker
- Key Lower Extremity Injuries - Charles S.Resnik
- Axial Skeleton Trauma - Mini Pathria
- Pediatric Fractures - Tal Laor
- Normal Fracture Healing - David Rubin
- Abnormal Fracture Healing - David Rubin
- Stress Injuries of Bone - Mark Anderson
2. Arthritis
- Target Area Approach to Arthritis - Donald Resnick
- Osteoarthritis - David Rubin
- Crystal Arthropathy Gout, CPPD and HADD - Mar D. Murphey
- Degeneration and Inflammatory Disorders of the Vertebral Column - Donald Resnick
- Connective Tissue Disorders - Miriam Bredella
3. Metabolic Diseases
- Renal Osteodystrophy - Leon Lechnik
- Paget's disease of the Bone - Laura Fayad
- Osteoporosis - Catherine Petchprapa
4. Marrow
5. Infection
6. Tumors
- Bone Tumors & Tumor-like Lesions - Robert D. Boutin
- Imaging Approach to Soft Tissue Tumors Focus on MRI - Mark J. Kransdorf
- Hematogenous Malignancies - Hakan Ilasian
- Imaging of PVNS and Syonvial Chondromatosis - Martin Torriani
7. Imaging of Internal Derangement of Joints
- Rotator Cuff (Basics) - Christine B. Chung
- Shoulder MR Instability - William Palmer
- Imaging of the Elbow - Lynne Steinbach
- MRI Wrist (Basics) - Naveen Subhas
- Imaging of the Hip (Radiographic Essentials) - Christopher Beaulieu
- Imaging of the Pelvis - Philip Robinson
- Imaging of Menisci - Kathryn Stevens
- Knee Ligaments - Michael Tuite
- MR Imaging of the Articular Cartilage - Michael Recht
- MRI of the Ankle - Zehava Rosenberg
- Imaging Muscle Injury - Philipp O'Connor
8. Congenital Disorders
- Imaging of Development Hip Dysplasia - Diego Jaramillo
- Generalized Skeletal Disorders - Diego Jaramillo
9. Orthopädie Imaging
- Principles of Fracture Fixation - Barabara Weissman
- Postoperative Knee - Lawrence White
- Radiographic Analysis of the Prosthetic Hip - Theodore Miller
- Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (Introduction) - Jon A. Jacobson
- Spine Surgery (Basics) - Leon Rybak
10. Musculoskeletal Pathology
- Crystal Deposition Disease - Michael J.Klein
- Osteofibrous Dysplasia and Adamantinoma - Marco Gambarotti
- Non Ossifying Fibroma Fibrous Dysplasia - Fiona Bonar
- Giant Celle Rich Lesions - Andrew Horvai
- Benign Cartilage Tumors - Andrew Horvai
- Ewing Sarcoma - Meera Hameed
Intersociety Musculoskeletal Lecture Series
Australasian Muskuloskeletal Imaging Group
- Concepts in Degenerative Disc Disease - Rhon Shnier
- Pediatric Hip: From Evolution to Degeneration - Kieran Frawley
- Axial Spondylarthritis Imaging: What RheumatologistsWould Like to Know - Novene Saad
- Mid-Tarsal Joint Injuries - Tim Dickson
- Imaging of Central Forefoot - James Linklater
- Calf Muscle Strains: Injuries of the Calf Muscle-Connective Tissue Complex - David Connell
- Cuff Related Shoulder Pain and Impingement - James Linklatern
- Imaging of Elbow Pathology - Aziz Osman
- Imaging of the Finger - Greg Cowderoy
- Imaging of Wrist Instability - Sanjay Dhupelia
- Imaging of Spinal Hardware - David Lisle
European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)
Society of Skeletal Radiology (SSR)
- Imaging of Ankle Arthroplasties - Alice Ha
- MR Approach to Bone Marrow Disorders - Jonathan Baker
- Image-Guided Biopsy of Bone and Soft Tissue Lesions - MK Jesse
- US Evaluation and Biopsy Techniques of Soft Tissue Masses - Kenneth Lee
- Wrist Arthrograpy - Jeremiah Long
- Knie Arthrograpy - Tetyana Gorbachova
- Ultrasound of the Hip - Theodore Miller
- Techniques and Tips for the Performing Hip Arthrography - Lindsay Stratchko
- US Evaluation and Biopsy Techniques of Soft Tissue Masses - Alberto Simoncini
- Techniques and Tips for Performing Direct Shoulder Arthrograpy - Travis Hiller